How To Watch These Films

Everyone knows how to watch a video. You get a bag of munchies, pop in a cassette, hit "Play," sit back, and enjoy the movie. That’s it! Watching one of the films listed here involves more than this. Watching these movie needs to be a thoughtful and concentrated experience to be beneficial.

To prepare for the experience, make sure there will be no distractions such as kids or others bursting in on you or somebody chatting while you’re trying to watch the film. You need to be able to focus your attention on the film. It is best to get a video rather than to attempt to watch a film on network t.v. with commerical interuptions.  It is also good to watch the movie with one or more others with whom you are able to talk about personal things, such as your concerns and difficulties. After watching the movie it is important to reflect on what you saw and to discuss the film with those who viewed it with you. Reflect on or discuss your observations and the questions listed below.

The films recommended here may not be the type you would normally watch. As you begin to view one you may quickly find that the movie is not your kind of entertainment. Remember, you are not watching this film for entertainment but for personal growth. Certainly, if the film becomes too distressing you should turn it off, but don’t turn it off because there’s no action.

A film can have different meanings to different viewers. Your life experiences, your personal issues and your emotional reaction will influence the meaning the film has for you. Allow yourself to feel the experience. If you find yourself identifying with a particular character or you see similarities between one or more of the people in the film and people in your life, allow yourself to witness the events as they unfold. Are the behaviors and choices made similar or different than those you and others in your life make? If they are different are they better choices? If they are better choices what gets in the way of your making the same? Be honest with your answers

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Last modified: 18 March, 2009